
right click audio in order to download
  • 1 Pinchas - The Names of Shavuos

  • 2 Shoftom - Pursue Justice.mp3

  • 3 Ki Seitzi - 613 Mitzvos.mp3

  • 3 Ki Seitzi - Yifas Toar - First Rabbinical Mitzva.mp3

  • 4 Ki Savo - Hilchos Whatsapp.m4a

  • 4 Ki Savo Los Lunos - R Avigdor Miller.m4a

  • 5 Nitzavim.docx

  • 6 Rosh Hashanah - Malchiyos.m4a

  • 6 Rosh Hashanah - Song of Shofar - Apple Seeds - Repentance - Children of Love.m4a

  • 7 Rosh Hashanah - Akeida.m4a

  • 7 Rosh Hashanah - Zichronos.m4a

  • 8 Vayelach Shuva - Hagba - Not Talking - Hakhail.m4a

  • 8 Vayelech Shuva - Hashem will really accept.m4a

  • 9 Yom Kippur Kol Nidre - Forgiving each other.m4a

  • 9 Yom kippur Mussaf - Defining who we really are.m4a

  • 9 Yom Kippur Neila - Striving.m4a

  • 10 Haazinu - Song of distant lovers.m4a

  • 10 Haazinu - Structure of Haazinu.m4a

  • 13 Sukkos ch - Random.m4a

  • 13 Sukkos Chol Hamoad - Koheles Story.m4a

  • 14 Shemini Atzeres - Mitzvah of the Day.m4a

  • 15 Beraishes - Hall of Famous Americans - Shabbat Project spokespeople.m4a

  • 15 Beraishes - In the Beginning (mirrored from Santa Fe).m4a

  • 16 Noach - The Sin of the Tower of Bavel.m4a

  • 16 Noach - The Size of the Teiva.m4a

  • 17 Lech lecha - Why Hashem loves Avraham.m4a

  • 17 Lech licha - Avrahams presents - 3 Buildings .m4a

  • 18 Vayeira - Shabbos Project.m4a

  • 19 Chayei Sarah - Antisemetism - Enriching Lives.m4a

  • 19 Chayei Sarah - Do Not Return Yitzchak there.m4a

  • 20 Toldos - Blessings for the Twins.m4a

  • 20 Toldos - Kaddish - Yitchaks wells.m4a

  • 21 Vayetze - He called it Beis El.m4a

  • 21 Vayetze - Why Yaakov Stole Lavan's heart.m4a

  • 22 Vayishlach - Self Defense - Preparing Generations.m4a

  • 22 Vayishlach - She is our Sister.m4a

  • 23 Vayeshev - Chanukah Miracle.m4a

  • 23 Vayeshev - Thanking Hashem - Treating Children the Same.m4a

  • 25 Mikaitz - Levi vs Greece.m4a

  • 25 Mikaitz - Not through Strength - And they rushed Yosef out small.m4a

  • 26 Vigil address.m4a

  • 26 Vigil speach take 1.m4a

  • 27 Vayegash - A Time to Love Hashem.m4a

  • 27 Vayigash - Trup - Protection During Scary Times .m4a

  • 28 Veyechi - Team Shabbos.m4a

  • 28 Shemos - And Moshe Grew.m4a

  • 29 Vaera - Caring for the Living - Visualising the Makot, Stubborness.m4a

  • 29 Vaera - Servants of Hashem.m4a

  • 30 Bo - Of Signs, Tiaras and Stories.m4a

  • 30 Bo - The Impression of the Karbon Pesach.m4a

  • 31 Bishalach - Importance of Self Respect.m4a

  • 31 Bishalach - Student Prep - Shiras Devorah.m4a

  • 32 Yisro - Ki Yeled Yulad Lanu - Seudas Chofetz Chayim.m4a

  • 32 Yisro - The Mitzvos following Matan Torah.m4a

  • 33 Mishpatim - Real Cause and Affect.m4a

  • 33 Mishpatim - Resolving Torah Disputes - Pesukei Dizimra - WJC.m4a

  • 34 Terumah - Building the Menorah.m4a

  • 35 Titzave - Hilchos Purim review.m4a

  • 35 Titzaveh - Carrying the Justice on his heart - Pesukei Dezimra - Representing the entire Jewish People.m4a

  • 36 Purim (half) - Why is Purim called Lots.m4a

  • 37 Ki sisa - Price and power of Machatzis Hashekel.m4a

  • 37 Ki Sisa - Price of silver per ounce.docx

  • 37 Ki sisa - Taharah through the Parah Aduma.m4a

  • 38 Vayakhel - Bringing Holiness during Covid.mp3

  • 39 Vayikra - Looking to the Karbanos for direction for my Life.m4a

  • 39 Vayikra - orig - Looking to the Karbanos for direction for my Life.m4a

  • 40 Tzav hagadol - Pesach - a Holidy of Mercy and Intimacy.mp3

  • 41 Pesach Email

  • 42 Shemini - Serving Hashem as Humans.m4a

  • 43 Tazriah - Lag Beomer - Hope during loss.mp3

  • 44 Kedoshim - Real Holiness.m4a

  • 45 Emor - Pesach Sheni - Yearning for closeness.m4a

  • 46 Bechukosai - Acknowledging the Hand of Hashem.m4a

  • 47 Bamidbar - Rus - portraits of Selflessnes.mp3

  • 48 Bahalosecha - Utilizing the uncertainty of the plague.m4a

  • 49 Shelach - Persepctive of the spies.mp3

  • 50 Korach - Who was right.mp3

  • 51 chu-balak - Anti Semetism.m4a

  • 52 Pinchas - Standing up for that which is important.mp3

  • 53 Matos massai - A proper life of Gratitude.m4a

  • 53 mattos - Care not to Shame.m4a

  • 54 Devarim - History of Tisha Biav.m4a

  • 54 Devarim - Story of three firends.m4a

  • 55 Tisha bav night - Mourning.m4a

  • 56 Nachamu - Small Comforts.m4a

  • 56 Vaeschanan - Lo Sachmod.m4a

  • 56 Vaeschanan extras .m4a

  • 57 Eikev - Bentching - Tale of two children.m4a

  • 57 Eikev - Israel - Tale of Two Lands.m4a

  • 58 Reah - Placing Blessings into the world.m4a

  • 58 Reeh - Maaser Sheni - Who can I be.m4a

  • 59 Shoftim - Elul I am to my beloved.m4a

  • 59 Shoftim - Jewish Meditation and Contemplation.m4a

  • 60 Ki seitzai - Spekaing during Davening - to Hashem.m4a

  • 60 Ki seitzei - Torah View of Trickery in Commerce.m4a

  • 61 Ki savo - Jewish Pride.m4a

  • 61 Ki Savo - Translating the Torah - Celebration or Catstrophe.m4a

  • 61 Ki Savo - Shul policy pandemic.m4a

  • 62 Nitzavim - Fresh Start.m4a

  • 62 Nitzavim - Unusual year.m4a

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