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  • 63 Rosh hashana day 1 - Unesana Tokef.m4a

  • 63 Rosh hashana eve 2 - Unique purpose of the second day.m4a

  • 63 Rosh hashana night 1 - Celebration in Judgement.m4a

  • 64 Rosh hashana day 2 - Love of the Akeida.m4a

  • 64 Rosh hashana eve 3 - Partners in Torah.m4a

  • 64 Rosh hashanas extras.m4a

  • 65 Shuva - Laws of Tefilla bitzibubur and preYK.m4a

  • 65 Shuva - New perspective on Teshuva.m4a

  • 65 Shuva - Review of the laws of Yom Kippur.m4a

  • 66 Yom Kippur day - Judgement of Covid.m4a

  • 66 Yom kippur eve - 13 Middos.m4a

  • 66~~ Yom kippur neila - Teshuva foundation of the world - not yet used.m4a

  • 67 Sukkah day 1 - Why now, and why is It a holiday of celebration.m4a

  • 67 Sukkot night 1- Yaknahaz.m4a

  • 68 Sukkah day 2 - Teshuva after Yom Kippur.m4a

  • 68 Sukkah night 2 - How much is Reiyah.m4a

  • 70 Shemeni atzeret - Koheles - Throw your bread.m4a

  • 71 Simchas torah (& Shmini night) - Dancing on Simchat Torah.m4a

  • 72 Bereishes - Guarding the Shabbat .m4a

  • 72 Bereishis - Did Adam wear a mask.m4a

  • 72 Bereishis - Lose weightathon.m4a

  • 73 Lech Licha (Noach) - Whom should we vote for .m4a

  • 73 Noach - Unity in politics .m4a

  • 74 Vayeira - Building pillars.m4a

  • 74 Vayeira - Of lightning and lightning bugs.m4a

  • 75 Chayee Sara - To talk in the field.m4a

  • 75 Chayee Sara - Triskaidekaphobia.m4a

  • 76 Toldos - Choices and Freewill.m4a

  • 76 Toldos - Firstborn.m4a

  • 77 Vayetze - Jerusalem Athens housed Gd.m4a

  • 77 Vayetze - Thanksgiving .m4a

  • 78 Vayishlach - To fight an angel.m4a

  • 79 Vayeshev - Brotherhood.m4a

  • 80 Chanukah bonfire.m4a

  • 81 Mikeitz - Dreamers.m4a

  • 81 Mikeitz - To vaccinate or not to vaccinate.m4a

  • 81~~ Mikeitz - My son is alive - for next year.m4a

  • 82 Asarah bitevet - Mourning Ezra, and extras.m4a

  • 82 Vayigash - I am Yosef is my father still alive.m4a

  • 83 Vayechi - And Yaakov Lived.m4a

  • 83 Vayechi - This is the Blessings - The richness of Vayechi.m4a

  • 84 Shemos - Eruv, shovavim, shenayim mikra.m4a

  • 84 Shemos- actions and consequences .m4a

  • 85 Vaera - Arteriosclerosis .m4a

  • 85 Vaera - Of beasts and frogs.m4a

  • 86 Bo - Tu bishvat - a rosh hashana for trees.m4a

  • 86 Bo - Oppurtunities of Compassion .m4a

  • 87 Bishalach - Of Mice and Miracles.m4a

  • 87 Bishalach -This is my Gd and I will glorify Him.m4a

  • 88 Yisro - compensating our losses.m4a

  • 88 Yisro - Movements.m4a

  • 89 Mishpatim - Chofetz chayim kiddush.m4a

  • 90 Purim - Omar.m4a

  • 90 Purim - Purpose of Celebration .m4a

  • 90 Terumah (Purim).m4a

  • 91 Titzaveh - Leadership of Mordechai.m4a

  • 93 Hachodesh - The 4 Questions.m4a

  • 93 Vayakhel - Giving from the Heart.m4a

  • 94 Vayikra - 3 matzahs and 4 cups.m4a

  • 94 Vayikra - Todah.m4a

  • 95 Tzav - From the offerings and the pesach.m4a

  • 95 Tzav hagadol - You will come and see.m4a

  • 96 Siyum erev Pesach.m4a

  • 96 Pesach - Poor man's bread.m4a

  • 96 Pesach - The 4 sons.m4a

  • 96 Pesach - Why is the fish and nuts on the seder plate.m4a

  • 98 Pesach 7 - Force fed matzah.m4a

  • 98 Pesach 7 - Hallel on sheviei shel pesach .m4a

  • 98 Pesach 7 - Turn away o perfect one.m4a

  • 98 Pesach 7 - Yizkor - Taking Mitzvos.m4a

  • 98 Pesach 7 - Extra thoughts.m4a

  • 99 Shemini - And it was the eighth day.m4a

  • 99 Shemini - Are swordfish kosher.m4a

  • 100 Emor - Reeling from tragedy.m4a

  • 100 Emor - You are my children.m4a

  • 101 Bechukosai - Returning from your sins returning to Hashem .m4a

  • 101 Bechukosai Vaf Kol Zos.m4a

  • 102 Bamidbar - Peru Urivu.m4a

  • 102 Bamidbar - Torah Leaders.m4a

  • 103 Shavuos - A new mincha of freedom .m4a

  • 103 Shavuos - Anniversary of the torah.m4a

  • 103 Shavuos - Anochi.m4a

  • 103 Shavuos - So you should say to the mothers of israel - not used, save for next year.m4a

  • 103 Shavuos - Yizkor - His beloved of nations.m4a

  • 103 Shavuos - Extras.m4a

  • 104 Naso - Perspective of Marriage.m4a

  • 104 Nasso - Mouths to bless,mouths to curse.m4a

  • 104 Nasso - Returning harmony in a broken home.m4a

  • 105 Bahaloscha - Vayehi binsoa haaron.m4a

  • 105 Bahaloscha - When you go up to light.m4a

  • 106 Shelach - Techeiles.m4a

  • 106 Shelach - Masters of our own Destiny.m4a

  • 107 Korach - Kosher Bourbon.m4a

  • 107 Korach - True Leaders.m4a

  • 108 Chukas - Kodesh.m4a

  • 108 Chukas - The Copper Snake.m4a

  • 109 Balak - Student of Bilaam, the Ways of Avraham, Remember Hashem's Kindness.m4a

  • 110 Pinchus - Surfside tragedy.m4a

  • 110 Pinchus - Zealots - transition.m4a

  • 111 Matos - Mourning the Churban.m4a

  • 111 Matos - Vengeance - Mezuzah.m4a

  • 112 Devarim - Building with our Tounges.m4a

  • 112 Devarim - Chazon - A Tale of Three Friends.m4a

  • 113 Tisha bav - Pre-kinnos.m4a

  • 114 Vaeschanan - Jealosy.m4a

  • 114 Vaeschanan - Mezuzah.m4a

  • 114 Vaeschanan - extra.m4a

  • 115 Ekev - Generational Challenges - Heaven and Hell.m4a

  • 115 Ekev - My Unorthodox Life.m4a

  • 116 Reeh - Smarter than Gd - Blessings and Curses.m4a

  • 116 Reeh - LiDovid Hashem Ori.m4a

  • 117 Shoftim - Alleviating suffering .m4a

  • 117 Shoftim - Pidyon haben.m4a

  • 118 Ki Saitzai - Brotherhood.m4a

  • 118 Ki Satzai - Pruzbal.m4a

  • 119 Ki Savo - Blessings and Warnings - Grandeur.m4a

  • 119 Ki Savo - Preparing for the Days of Awe.m4a

  • 119 Selichos - Prep for Holiness.m4a

  • 120 Nitzavim - Hataras Nidarim.m4a

  • 120 Nitzavim - It is Not in the Heavens.m4a

  • 120 Nitzavim - Review of the Laws of Rosh Hashana.m4a

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