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  • 121 Rosh Hashana 1 - Avinu Malkeinu.m4a

  • 121 Rosh Hashana 1 - Blessings.m4a

  • 121 Rosh Hashana 2 - Malchiyos, Wanting Hashem's Kingdom .m4a

  • 121 Rosh Hashana 2 - The Destiny of the World.m4a

  • 121 Rosh Hashana Extras.m4a

  • 121 Tishrei 5782 Speeches.docx

  • 122 Shuva - Kindness and Truth.m4a

  • 122 Shuva - New Paths.m4a

  • 123 Yom Kippur - Book of Life.m4a

  • 123 Yom Kippur - Confession.m4a

  • 123 Yom Kippur - Neila - Tefilla LiMoshe.m4a

  • 123 Yom Kippur - Yizkor and the Avoda.m4a

  • 123 Yom Kippur Neila - Teshuva Foundation of the World.m4a

  • 124 Haazinu - From Yom Kippur to Sukkos.m4a

  • 124 Haazinu - random.m4a

  • 125 Sukkot - A Plethora of Holidays.m4a

  • 125 Sukkot - Dancing with both Heart and Intellect.mp3

  • 125 Sukkot - Yom Tov Readings.m4a

  • 127 Hoshana Rabbah - Holiness.m4a

  • 127 Shemini Atzeret - Calling a Holiday an Oneg.m4a

  • 127 Shemini Atzeret - Yizkor, The Man From Vilna.m4a

  • 127 Simchat Torah Random.m4a

  • 128 Bereishes - A Song of Shabbos.m4a

  • 128 Bereishes - The Serpent at the Door.m4a

  • 128 Bereishes - Watermelon Tree.m4a

  • 129 Noach - Placing a rainbow.m4a

  • 129 Noach - Two of Each Animal.m4a

  • 129 Noach - Yona Matza.m4a

  • 130 Lech Licha - Avrahams Challenge.m4a

  • 130 Lech Licha - Hagars Mistake.m4a

  • 130 Lech Licha - the Covenant.m4a

  • 131 Vayeira - Al Na Saavor Maal Avdecha.m4a

  • 131 Vayeira - Miracles.m4a

  • 131 Vayeira - Say you are my Sister.m4a

  • 131 Vayeira - The Oil Never Stopped Flowing.m4a

  • 132 Chayei Sarah - Chasid Shotah.m4a

  • 132 Chayei Sarah - The Life of Sarah.m4a

  • 133 Toldos - Daylight Savings Time.m4a

  • 133 Toldos - Prepare for me Food that I Love.m4a

  • 133 Toldos - Yaakov Ish Tam.m4a

  • 134 Vayeitzei - A Yiddishe Mama.m4a

  • 134 Vayeitzei - The House of Gd.m4a

  • 134 Vayeitzei - Why Angels.m4a

  • 135 Vayishlach - I Belong to your Servant Yaakov.m4a

  • 135 Vayishlach - Ovadia.m4a

  • 135 Vayishlach - The Angel of Esuv.m4a

  • 135 Vayishlach - The Family of Eisuv.m4a

  • 137 Chanukah - Poetry.m4a

  • 137 Mikeitz - $30 Donuts.m4a

  • 137 Mikeitz - Dreams.m4a

  • 137 Mikeitz - Pride of Chanukah.m4a

  • 137 Mikeitz - Yosefs Business.m4a

  • 138 Vayigash - If.m4a

  • 138 Vayigash - Trup of Vayigash.m4a

  • 139 Vayechi - David's Request.m4a

  • 139 Vayechi - Ethical Wills.m4a

  • 139 Vayechi - Kibud Av.m4a

  • 140 Shimos - Basya and Dr Birnbaum .m4a

  • 140 Shimos - Nittel .m4a

  • 140 Shimos - Yeners Gashmiyos.m4a

  • 141 Vaera - New Years.m4a

  • 141 Vaera - The Earth will Not Remain Silent.m4a

  • 141 Vaera - Vaera.m4a

  • 142 Bo - Great Wealth.m4a

  • 142 Bo - In Order to Remember the Miracles.m4a

  • 143 Bishalach - Bitterness.m4a

  • 143 Bishalach - Discerning Women.m4a

  • 144 Tu Bishvat.m4a

  • 145 Yisro - Do Not Desire.m4a

  • 145 Yisro - Double Trup.m4a

  • 145 Yisro - Napolean Hill.m4a

  • 146 Mishpatim - Under His Throne.m4a

  • 146 Mishpatim - Values.m4a

  • 147 Titzaveh - Unity.m4a

  • 147 Titzaveh - Who am I.m4a

  • 148 Ki Sissa - Ki Paruah Aharon.m4a

  • 148 Ki Sissa - Moshes Prayer.m4a

  • 148 Ki Sissa - Chofetz Chaim Kiddush.m4a

  • 149 Vayakhel - Shabbos.m4a

  • 149 Vayakhel - Shekalim Outweighs Talents of Silver.m4a

  • 149 Vayakhel - The Four Parshiyos.m4a

  • 150 Fikudei - Gratitude.m4a

  • 150 Fikudei - Pituchei Chosam.m4a

  • 150 Fikudei - Shatnez in the Cohains Clothes.m4a

  • 151 Vayikra - A Covenant of Salt.m4a

  • 151 Vayikra - Restart.m4a

  • 152 Purim - Gather the Jews.m4a

  • 152 Tzav - Daylight Saving Time .m4a

  • 152 Tzav - Miluim.m4a

  • 152 Tzav - Yehei Shmei Rabbah.m4a

  • 153 Shemini - Aish Zarah.m4a

  • 153 Shemini - Kosher.m4a

  • 154 Tazria - 3 Pesukim.m4a

  • 154 Tazria - All White part.m4a

  • 154 Tazria - Service Announcements.m4a

  • 155 Metzorah - Review of Seder.m4a

  • 155 Metzorah - Waters of Eden.m4a

  • 155 Shabbos Hagadol - Why.m4a

  • 156 Pesach - Chad Gadyah.m4a

  • 156 Pesach - Leil Shimurim.m4a

  • 156 Pesach - Seder Prep.m4a

  • 156 Pesach - Shoshanas Yaakov.m4a

  • 156 Pesach 7 - Chometz on Pesach.m4a

  • 156 Pesach 7 - The Faith of Kriyas Yam Suf.m4a

  • 156 Pesach 7 - The Mystery of Hallel.m4a

  • 156 Pesach 7 - Yizkor Bilvavi.m4a

  • 157 Achrei Mos - R Notta.m4a

  • 157 Achrei Mos - The Wooden Lots.m4a

  • 157 Achrei Mos Mincha Yom Kippor.m4a

  • 158 Kedoshim - Molech.m4a

  • 158 Emor - Pesach Sheni.m4a

  • 158 Emor - Shofaich Dam Haadam.m4a

  • 159 Behar - Board of Education.m4a

  • 159 Behar - Lag Baomer R Kahanamann.m4a

  • 159 Behar - Shmittah.m4a

  • 160 Bechukosai - Mass Shootings.m4a

  • 160 Bechukosai - The Warnings.m4a

  • 160 Bechukosai - Yom Hamiyuchas.m4a

  • 161 Bamidbar - Counting.m4a

  • 161 Bamidbar - They Encamped.m4a

  • 162 Shavuos - Cheesecake.m4a

  • 162 Shavuos - Yizkor.m4a

  • 163 Naso - Birchas Cohanim.m4a

  • 163 Naso - Gabbai.m4a

  • 163 Naso - Shimshon.m4a

  • 164 Bahaloscha - Bahaloscha.m4a

  • 164 Bahaloscha - Where the Aron is Hidden.m4a

  • 165 Shlach - Fast Days.m4a

  • 165 Shlach - The Myopia of the Meraglim.m4a

  • 165 Shlach - Wearing Talis Properly.m4a

  • 166 Korach - Korach when Maahiach comes.m4a

  • 166 Korach - Reality.m4a

  • 166 Korach - Vlo Yehiyeh CiKorach Vaadasoh.m4a

  • 167 Chukas - Bo Cheshbon.m4a

  • 167 Chukas - External Books.m4a

  • 168 - 17 Tamuz.m4a

  • 168 Balak - Heart and Soul.m4a

  • 168 Balak - Ma Tovu.m4a

  • 168 Balak - Extra.m4a

  • 169 Pinchus - Osiyos Meshunos.m4a

  • 169 Pinchus - Zealosy.m4a

  • 169 Pinchus - 9 days.m4a

  • 170 Matos - Of Clubs and Staffs.m4a

  • 170 Matos - Removing Impurities.m4a

  • 170 Matos - Hataras Nidarim.m4a

  • 171 Devarim - The Birthday of Mashiach.m4a

  • 171 Devarim - The Heroism of Shafan.m4a

  • 171 Devarim - extra.m4a

  • 171 Tisha Biav - Kinos.m4a

  • 171 Tisha Biav - Survivors.m4a

  • 171 Tisha Biav - random.m4a

  • 173 Shoftim - Israel.m4a

  • 173 Shoftim - Tzedek Tzedek.m4a

  • 174 Ki Seitzei - Yifas Toar.m4a

  • 175 Ki Savo - Do not Backstab.m4a

  • 175 Ki Savo - Vidui Maaser.m4a

  • 176 Nitzavim - Is Forgiveness Jewish.m4a

  • 176 Nitzavim - Why Try.m4a

  • .m4a

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