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  • 177 Rosh Hashana notes.docx

  • 177 Rosh Hashanah day 1.m4a

  • 177 Rosh Hashanah day 2.m4a

  • 177 Rosh Hashanah night 2.m4a

  • 178 Shuva - Kol Haschalos Kashos.m4a

  • 178 Shuva - Toheh Al Harishonos.m4a

  • 179 Yom Kippur - Kol Nidrei - Forgiving Others.m4a

  • 179 Yom Kippur - Yizkor - Eternity.m4a

  • 180 Yom Kippur Day.m4a

  • 181 Haazinu - Baruch Shem.m4a

  • 181 Haazinu - To Hold Us Through The Exile.m4a

  • 182 Sukkos - Why is Sukkos in the Fall.m4a

  • 182 Sukkot - Hakhel.m4a

  • 182 Sukkot - Schach Mats.m4a

  • 182 Sukkot - Shmitah Esrogim.m4a

  • 182 Sukkot - Yizkor Candles.m4a

  • 184 Bereishes - A Creation of Two Perceptions.m4a

  • 184 Bereishes - Homostasis.m4a

  • 184 Bereishes - Shnayim Mikrah.m4a

  • 185 Noach - Attah Chonein.m4a

  • 185 Noach - Ninveh.m4a

  • 185 Noach Righteousness.m4a

  • 188 Toldos - Menachem Begin.m4a

  • 189 Vayeitzei - A Quick Love.m4a

  • 189 Vayeitzei - Emes Veemunah.m4a

  • 189 Vayeitzei - Yaakov and Rochel Leah Journey.m4a

  • 190 Vayishlach - Ashrey Mi Shemifached Tomid.m4a

  • 190 Vayishlach - When You Bump into Him.m4a

  • 192 Chanukah - Write on the Horn of your Ox.m4a

  • 192 Chanukah Customs.m4a

  • 192 Chanukah Halachos.m4a

  • 193 Vayigash - Thinking Twice.m4a

  • 193 Vayigash - Yehuda He Sent Forward.m4a

  • 193 Vayigash Summary.m4a

  • 194 Vayichi - Before Yishtabach.m4a

  • 194 Vayichi - Final Words.m4a

  • 194 Vayichi - Miscarriage.m4a

  • 194 Vayichi - Team Shabbos.m4a

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